2,700 Miles From My Comfort Zone

Its easy to get comfortable and plateau in life. Quite frankly from what I see, most people are okay with that. I’m not. Life is an ever changing amazing adventure, filled with opportunities and once in a lifetime experiences. A few months ago I got a call from a company based in LA (aka Los Angeles).  They presented me with an amazing opportunity to work for them. While still providing me the freedom im used to of being able to travel as well as work on my own projects.   I felt my work in photography had started to plateau and I was getting comfortable with the quality of work I was producing. Even though I knew I was capable of so much better. I wanted this to change, I knew it could but that would mean something else would need to as well.

I took the opportunity and relocated to LA. 2,700 miles from my comfort zone in Miami, FL. Change of city, lifestyle, people, weather and more. A week into the move and I was setting up photo shoots, video projects and some other super awesome secret stuff TBA later. I wasted no time in setting up shoots in different situations than im used to. I did this to challenge myself and take my photography to the next level, after all that’s why I moved! The location for this photo shoot I had only previously seen from a couple of iphone pictures, the rest was a mystery. Here are the results of solving that mystery, plus a stellar behind the scenes video of me pressing buttons.

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Life is a constant learning experience. Get out of your comfort zone and let the adventures ensue!

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